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Love Fiece, Love Self - in conversation with Ritu Mainty of Perthro Jewellery

This February - the month of Love, we partnered up with another unique and woman-driven brand, Perthro Jewellery, to co-create a capsule of underwear styles that are as bold thought as they are beautiful in appearance. Read on to find out more about founder and designer, Ritumainty Mondal as she shares her journey.

WE: How did you come up with your brand/ What inspired you to start your brand?

RM: Around ten months back, one day all of a sudden, I felt a bit scared. I realised I was not utilising my full potential. I didn't run out of my imagination but I was lacking the medium. I wanted to burst out with creativity and not restrict myself within barriers. I wanted to break the taboos that our society has and tell stories through conceptual jewellery.

It all started with the first collection "La Figa", which in Italian means "The Pussy". I wanted to talk about women empowerment in the most unconventional way, in a form that's raw, in a form that's known as 'shock art'.

WE: What is your personal take on Self-Love?

RM: Self- love is not being selfish. It is about being self-aware. If you connect to my story above, you will see the immediate reflection of what I am trying to say. Self-love is not only about being the very best externally, but also feel the same internally.

WE: Why/How did you come up with the symbol ?

RM: Self-love is about being self-content. Self-contentment comes from peace and joy. Peace and joy prevail when the mind and the body align with the spirit of living. I thought the symbol was perfect for this particular collaboration.

WE: Why did you want to work with Wear Equal? What was your first impression of the brand?

RM: When I saw Wear Equal and the story telling of the brand, I connected immediately. I thought the approach is very unique and genuine. I was sold, because when I saw Fashion x Activism.

WE: What do you think of the brand now, what is your views on the product and it's quality.

RM: I am glad we made this limited edition love box. It's not just a marketing tool and actuals thoughts are behind the box. The material is great, so soft and comfortable. I am very happy how it has turned out. However, I would just like the brand to be a bit more radical. But it's my personal taste.



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